Huwebes, Abril 9, 2015


Chapter 1

A. Background of the study

     Such a wonderful consisting of people believe about the good obedience. There’s a part that obedience are having a process which was to believe that obedience is good and life become wonderful if we obey the rules or make our own path ways. As we grow up they teach us to how we obey elders and we must be blessed if we doing the right thing without questioning. For us to have our own perspective to think that obedience is good and what we want to achieve. We know for a fact that obedience is good, but have we never notice why obedience is good? We obey our elders and parents to do something but then they pushes us even though we don't like either its bad or good thing to do.

    According to Ariadne, she studied that too much strangled to your children can cause bad behavior, their children have behavior of sense of self work is not important having their own decisions they feel less self-esteem. Did you know that demanding parents to their child threaten to punish them for do not obeying them and it cause to bully at home. Also there will be conflict between a parent and child because damaging their self-esteem brakes a trust as a parents to them.
According to Ariadne, "Shame is the most disturbing experience individuals ever have about themselves; no other emotion feels more deeply disturbing because in the moment of shame the self feels wounded from within."(
    We were experienced the time that our life having miserable because we obeying our parents, but sometimes we realize that we have our own decisions to make. There is actually a lot of things that could probably happened the same once we see results and we start to think of possibilities, and assume that thing could probably happen in a certain idea that could really elaborate a lot of words.

    According to Cindy Hess Kasper, she experiences that after her had knee- replacement surgery she knew to our discomfort without good stretching are can cause to our disabled and cause to depress. But she knew that a good stretching in our daily life is a blessing.

According to Cindy Hess Kasper, "When you bodily step out in faith and obedience to God, you may be surprised at how a good stretch can strengthen your spiritual life!" OurDailyBreadwithScripturetext(July-Decemeber2008).(Volume14-BMetroManila)
    Yes we may surprise but just obeying our life and some of people don't believing this. Theirs certain situation and people doing this in real life, this results of helping the person with the idea of not to lose membrane the two factors having faith in God and believing yourself at the same time to be blessed.

     The researcher observes that obedience are known and changing our lives by obeying our taught and mind from the people surrounds us because of the influence of elders and parents that based in real life. Persons believing what people says to the fact that obeying someone or something, and authority that we lead us to be blessed and safe by obeying their rules. And that causes blind obedience to change it. But still, they believing that truth obedience is never be good because the one that obedience is blind just like believing it that they had heard before.

      It is certainly know what obedience is since we adopt or we teach us from our parents and elders, we have a thought about it since birth, it’s just we don’t know why they teach us and we only known that was right. But how so much obedience could lead us to negative consequences?

      The purpose of the paper is to discuss the negative side of obedience that parents can cause blind obedience to their children to gain knowledge that there are bad result to your children that can harmful to their health that they are not aware that too much is bad can cause blind obedience to children.

B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:

1.What are the negative sides of obedience?

C. Significance of the Study
Person: This research would help people know about blind obedience and if person confused about decisions to make and understand our consciousness in multiple things. To us inspire to achieve the right and goals to make it happen.

Family: This is for parents and children to know what would make the person feel about too much obedience can cause to negative obedience, and in spite of doing negative obedience.

Future Researchers: To gain further understanding about the question "How can blind obedience affect person's life?" since most of the information given on our social media site are not properly compiled in order or in one topic.

D. Scope and Delimitation This study focuses on the readers to gain knowledge and reason of having a thinking of why obedience is blind. Obedience is good and most people believe that it is a virtue to the person life, but obedience gave a big impact to the persons by stating the reason why. Information gathered to conclude the reasons to answer this question. Since we no further topic or blog did research about the question.

E. Materials and Methods These describe the original topic, information are taken from the articles in the social media, from the books and personal experience in through social internet communities, groups and some individuals comment or suggestion, then it would understand, and then share it to the other people surrounds you for them to gain knowledge about the topic. By reading books and some articles I gather a lot of information and to understand each word inside the articles and books in such to rephrase the explanation for make it simple. Most information was from my past experiences.

F. Definition of Terms
Strangled: To stop something from growing or developing

Self-Esteem: A feeling of having respect for yourself and abilities

Chapter 2


What are the negative sides of obedience?

I. Definition and types of obedience
     Definition of obedience knows an act. They are intake for our society to work and that the power to give orders. Obedience is defined as "blindly obedient" it is labelled by religious groups. Religions that only exist in our society which is too discouraged blind obedience. The changes describe how we think and act every part of our lives. Some religions don't want blind obedience, they want us to be obedient in truth to our life.

     The concept of obedience is that human behavior, the social influence that the persons expressed instructions from the authority. And also the obedience can be seen as immoral or moral, if the person doesn't want to do something by giving his or her order it tend to call that immoral, but if the persons is willing to do something they called that moral behavior.

     In the article titled "Negative and positive obedience in society: " the author says that obedience person's destructive obedience that against moral values. Thus, Stanley Milgram researched and proves that someone who obey orders with negative, immoral consequences and it blame on the authority because individuals are simply obeying orders that they do not accept responsibilities for their actions.

According to Brittany Kennedy "To have a civil society, we must take full responsibility for our own actions and attempt to use our obedient behavior toward a positive and progressive cause."(
     Such as our own behavior can lead us to negative or positive ways, but obedience actions we can attempt it because of being our own responsibilities that would provide us in civil society. Many people believe and take the position that true obedience is blind. They feel that if a person in authority doing decisions and within it decision or command shall we follow even if without question and that person in authority is simply gave it. While in obedience there are limited chances and situations in which the person would be obligated by trusting only from source of the directive, as real obedience is never been blind. A virtue is relating to the justice, which means that obedience requires the uses of judicious and the knowledge of rights. Without such knowledge, the person would exposure to possible loss acting in a behavior inconsistent with virtue.

II. Factor influencing obedience

A. Trained to obey
     In the novel written by Kurt Vonnegut's titled sirens of titan, inside of the novel comparing it into military systems. From the book said that in one man is an army on mars, each of soldier is taken from the earth, has their memory erased, and antenna is installed in their brain, to accept their command and the soldiers that have a power to control others.
According to Kurt Vonnegut's, "They are forced to join an army on Mars that consists of the outcasts of the Earth, who are brainwashed into human machines and consequently lose their identity."
    Simply obeying to someone those has an authority or the power, to give us command and we all just doing the orders as our own responsibility. Thinking somehow that we must have freedom to choose by obeying or disobeying their command, doing their orders because they have the authority to make us follow whatever they saying.

III. The Four Types of Obedience
A. The Sense of Duty, Soldiers’ Obedience.
     In the sense of duty by the soldier obedience is an act and it can form by following their rules. This could be happen that all of us are becoming their slaves because in their mind that they having the power to control us, and we don’t think that this is not just right.

    Obedience in soldiers that has a sense of duties of a service in one soldier, and it is the central duties from that duty of obedience. Furthermore, legislator in demand of obedience, this is not a blind or unconditional obedience, and oath of the service in the soldier of the Germany demanded of every soldier.

According to , “The law on the legal limits to the military ordering authority arise.”
    The time by giving them orders, they were having the power to control us. Are their just from the institution and its legal process by explaining the author that military are doing their job. As we don’t know that from our duties in life are behalf of our life, because we also create our own command by others.

B. The Higher Paid, Servant Obedience.

   People have thinking that slaves are just slaves and they not have feelings to their jobs. Some people be sold to be as slaves and in their lifetime that serving to their boss. Thinking for their life that never be change because they buy as a slaves to the once that they bought to them. We thinking that slaves can't do exist because they be  serving us in their whole life. Doing their jobs as slaves to their master.

   From the article written by Steven Wickstrom, he explained why slaves can be sold and what could happen to them. Slaves can be buy because they sold as slave in the public place. And if the person buy, it can be as made into household, that should serve to them. They can not react from their suffering, somehow they knew that hatred were do wrong. They treat a slaves as well and not abuse. Slaves are not just slaves because they doing their job with love to their master.
According to Steven Wickstrom, "Choose to be best servant as you can be."
   Yes, we can choose how our life be good as well because we know ourselves and we decide to the fact that there's much could we have now. If we can best as much I am now, I would do. We have our own determination like a slave, they determine because they hoping that they will be a master someday and it can be happen if the persons have self determination.

C. The Divisions from Love, Lovers Obedience

   Someone would do this because they love each other, we all loving someone to comfort us that how a beautiful life that we have now, such that we giving all that they want from us. But we already know what love is? Yes we know the definition of love and we can define that, likewise we have our own perspective in how and what we give to love someone else. In my generation we are obeying our on heart and not our mind, and we thinking that it is right. Knowing someone that you love is not easy because we knowing them if we are married but sometime. We give all of our time and care to prove that we love them, and also for saying to them.

   Even though we know how to love, but still there’s a research that our love is the highest type of obedience from the article. According to an article “Four Types of Obedience” by John Grant, love is having three types. One is intellect and discrimination of obedience because to him our mind obeying it technically. Second, unwilling literal obedience because if the person doe job touching his wish. And the third one is that willing literal obedience, if the person gladly doing job and happy to obey even if the order is hard. This step of love by obeying the person is to love even if the command is difficult to do, the happy person doing this with love.

According to John Grant “This is a progression, at first one intellect prevents one from literal obedience but it is a step. The last type of obedience is very rare, where the person is happy to literally obey the most difficult command with love."  (
    Obedience through our love became selfish because of our willing to doing something that we don’t asking if they want to do, by decisions in situations is okay for us, but how our partner those have their own thinking and decision to that situation, and we don’t asking them. Instead of having decision to obeying the command, we have to knowing the step before we obey. Moreover, lover is a relationship that we have in our whole life and not just a game that if you bothered to your partner is easy to forget, but it is not easy because love is so much pain for us human beings by followed.

II. Fact of Obedience

A. The Blind Obedience

   We trust lawfully authority and some people trust direct without fail. But we’re just faced with the directive, to neither good nor bad attempt to know options and consequences their choices. And yet we simply trust lawful authority to stay within the obliged its power. Thinking of this attitude is not true obedience and not virtuous. We share freedom to Christ, is that our obligation knowing legitimate bound to lawful authority that we stay within the power. Our obligation to know the Divine Law and what is our obligations to God. Maybe only knowledgeable of Divine Law can legitimate to bound lawful authorities that can we obey. If without such a knowledge, they manipulative or simply conformity to peers.

   Also, lawful authority has to be obliged to prove their rank and to done within the lawful. And if someone that didn't do his/her obligation being authorized persons, automatically he/she violates the natural rights. According to “Principles of law” identified by Pope Boniface VIII, that he said “one with authority must prove his authority.”

B. The Person Integration of Obedience
   All men enjoyed one of the greatest rights that they not violate God that the rights freely choose. They freedom to choose and particular knowledge that the right to choose. It means freedom only allow if the virtue is developed. Which is actually true when the persons free chooses to be act of conformity with a standard direct to obedience. So, the development to virtue of obedience must adequately knowledge to Divine Laws and to those Human Laws that control our own lives. To know the limits of authorized person because if we don’t know we can easily manipulate from them.
Chapter 3



This research paper aims to determine the negative sides of obedience.

1. There are sides that people are follow of ordering the once that giving it. Most of them are doing to follow and had a reason that they willing to obey and lacking of competence to their selves and confidence that they can positively have a freedom to choose.

2. The person’s preferences as a guide for the negative sides of obedience, person who had a lot of questions and wants to gain further knowledge about obedience for them to get answers that might be connected to the real life.

3. Moral support and behaving behavior to the obedience confidence would really encourage the person willingness to achieve personal goals.


Based on the finding of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Based on the information that gathered research. Obedience can fix our lives if we followed for it and have the goal to achieve.

2. Some things could possibly be changed if have full understanding about your doing by knowing what it is for and what it is all about.

3. It is difficult to doing a command to a obeying them since there are many things to believe in the negative sides of obedience.


A. Books


B. Electronic Media

Huwebes, Pebrero 26, 2015

BLOGPOST #9: Learning Obedience Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Yesterday I read the article that suits my personality and I'm not a mother like the author said but I'm the girl that same situation from the author. I also get nervous when people telling me what they don't want to hear. And my experience in every moment in time gives me motivation to do my responsibilities in life.

The article that I read the title "Learning Obedience Outside of Your Comfort Zone" by Grace Houle, she said that our flaw of obedience have less to do with making ourselves look great and more with showing that our own route in deciding to course of our obedient. The extraordinary that we can do to look great.

In our routine from obedience that we feel and grip the chore before us, and it would so much easy if the task was asked to us . The things that take a little no effort. But we exceed from our own actions because we command us by them.

According to Grace Houle "We may stay where we are and turn a blind eye to what we for."
I agree because every people have their own mind to decide what they want for them and maybe one of us are having excuse why they don't to go. I also having an excuse cause I know that I can not to let go my comfort zone and its so personal for me that reason to say for this blog. But for now I want to be proud my parents and to prove them that I can survive and to be a successful person.

This article wrote by Sarah Bubar the titled "How Adult Children can Honor and Obey" and she said that we have our own custom to obey our parents and respect them with authority that we should follow for our own lives but now in our society, the children change by the environment and the people surround them. If our parents teach us a values that every old people have to be respect and integrity to them. To obey elders are just like our parents.

To have a balance for respecting and honoring to our parents and friends or someone that we given, and it should been balance both of them. Our parents opinions are more weight than any body else because our blood comes from to our parents.

According to Sarah Bubar "You can honor your parents without necessarily obeying them."
I agree because honoring and obeying your parents its your responsibility even though they not a good parents for you but still your not born in this world without them. I always be thankful what I am now cause I know there's a reason why I'm here and I am thankful to have them and to have a good life.

For my conclusion, people have own obedience in the comfort zone. Deciding by our own decision in life and to feel better to what is decisions. I myself having this situation that I don't want to go and now feeling me realized to do it because its better for me.

Martes, Pebrero 24, 2015

BLOGPOST #8 : The Relationship Between Trust and Obedience

In my experience, I don't want to give trust to the person that didn't giving his/her trust also for me and I obeying my on rules by giving them my full trust. I experience that I give them my trust but this time my full trust got me in to worst because they not obeying my rules. And also the power of obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible.

I read the article titled "The Relationship Between Trust and Obedience" by Brandon he said that our greater obedience that comes with our own greater trust. If we know that more difficult to accept with greater obedience to greater trust because for the author mentioned that is our own responsibility. In everyday idea that didn't have significance by in our living world.

According to Brandon "You can have the trust you need to have substantial obedience."
I agree because to have a trust we should to obey our own rules and this trust are easily to be gone, if we don't follow the rules that we make by ourselves or to someone that we give for them. My parents give me a trust with the rules that I promise to never been broken the rules that they made for me, the trust that they give to me is my substantial. I know the truth in everybody is going to hurt and we just gotta find the ones worth suffering.

The second article titled "Trust and obey" by R.C. Sproul Jr. he said that we have own perspective and believing to what we are now, the life to live good for us to be thankful and we blessed. The life of a living human beings are like a hamster wheel cause we simple to follow our generation and believing that we have anything worth must terrible to figure out how to get that the world tell us that our key to a good life is to have a good education.

We must know that we create our own life to be better or not. Likely a circulation of blood to our body that circulate everyday in our life, that we obeying our simple life with trust and authority.
According to R.C. Sproul Jr. " There is no need to toss and turn all night wondering what you should do differently to make a better life."
I disagree because we have our own perspective in life, I believe that there's a wonderful life for us if we have a positive vibes in everyday life. There's no perfect and better life if we believe that its impossible to make or to have.

I conclude that in the relationship of trust and obedience are responsibility to one another, and also for me our disapperance of a sense of responsibility is the most far reaching consequence of the authority. Then, the authority with our own trust to obey both of our own decisions.

Martes, Pebrero 17, 2015

BLOGPOST #7: The Filipino Obeying their Traditional Superstition

In our house we have four siblings and my parents salary are sometimes too much but we eat three times a day and it's good for us. But what if we are from a big family and my parents have are not so good salary? Well, this time my blog talks about the obeying traditional superstition of Filipino. How they obey their own superstition, I know most of our superstition are in from the Chinese.

I read the article written by Cecil Abundo titled "Filipino Customs and Traditions" she said, most of the Filipinos are having a unique traits when it comes to our family and it have more cultural values that we have. Our family take care and to being loyal to each of the family member and also elders by obeying their authorities. In addition, Filipinos are having a reunions in any occasions. The Filipino people valued not only our cultivation and superstitions but the spirit of our family.

As I am Filipino I proudly to say that we are blessed to have with a strong family ties, and superstitious beliefs have been grown throughout the country.
According to Cecil Abundo, "Filipino believe that there is nothing to lose if they will comply with these beliefs."
I strongly agree because my family believe that thinking and I adopt it cause their always say that to me. Some of us are not believe that because they know that there's no will be happen if you don't try. The traditions are adopting by the people surrounds you.

According to the article titled "Filipino Superstition about New Year's Eve" by Jane Dacumos for her, she didn't believe in superstition but almost of her family obeying the old superstitions and they believing that there are giving them a luck for there own life, they not contradict that tradition from other country. That's why she obey whatever they say to him because in there mind, they did not lose everything if they try it.
According to Jane Dacumos, "Whether we believe or not in these superstitions, it is more important to have a positive outlook."
I agree because from the author she believe that we decide by our own beliefs. And even if the other country have more superstitions we should not go for or do it, cause for my own perspective that superstitions from the other country will affect to our own traditions and culture.

I conclude that even though there's a lot of superstition from other country we should not change it and obey all of the traditions that we might know from their. For me fear is the main source of superstition that's why I conquer fear is the beginning of my wisdom.

BLOGPOST #6 : Extreme Disobedience in Children

To my experience of having a disobedience to my parents order or any body else, are think me what I am. Because to ordering you to anywhere are feeling me irritable and angry. My mom always command me and I don't know if I obey her or not but I did, because I don't want to make a war in our house. So, I try to obey her order and I trying for disobedience my conscience.

The article that I read titled "Extreme Disobedience in Children", by Candice Hughes. the statement from the author was that some of extreme disobedience from the kids is into the appearance of his/her environment. The child that has a chronically disobedient are the once who don't want obeying the authorized person. Into our own school can cause us extreme disobedience.

According to Candice Hughes, "Problems at home or school could causing your child to act out."
I agree because our problem in our house affect my behavior, I have no more doing in our house if I'm in feeling irritable and I don't want any body else to talking me. I'm always be alone if I'm feeling that because I don't want to hurt someone. I always depressed when my parents have a problem to financial or emotional. In my perception sooner and later will be gone.

My friend have experienced this kind of behavior and her parents don't know how to control her behavior. Maybe her behavior affects the relationship to her family and people who cares her.

While reading this article of Erica Loop titled "Places for Disobedient Teens" she said that some of the teens they spend time in typical places that they must attended, not only for school and house but most of the time they want go there instead of the school. Additionally, for teens that having that cases, it would help them if we shall detain them because they giving them a activities that it should work for their behavior.
According to Erica Loop, "Your teen can find help herself around with expert help."
I also agree because like my friend that they don't know how to control her behavior. And the good thing that I can help is to suggest that she should consult a doctor for her good. To advice her parents to how she control.

In my conclusion, I finally know the difference between pleasing and loving. Loving my friend are the one's that I can not give up to her disobedience. I know being a friend are giving her positive mind and to obey my goal in life for her on good. It has taken me so many years to be okay with being different, and giving her a live.

Martes, Pebrero 10, 2015

BLOGPOST #5: Should We Obey All Laws?

I remember the time when I was watching the movie titled "The Purge". The Purge is an event that occurs every year and 12 hour period during which all criminal activity, the purge is legal to them. To kill is legal? And for all political movements have been shut down by the government, it is used a method of artificial population control, as the poorer and homeless people are the main targets. That movie tells me and realize me that some how maybe the purge is their. But I don't want to have that government because I want to live and to have a better life.

Last time I post my second blog that talks about moral obligation to obey the law, and if you remember that I mentioned my being disobedience to the rules and for us to know that we should obey our all laws, that's why in this article titled "Should We Obey All Laws?" by Walter E. Williams the author's said that in the person was not would find of each one of those laws either it just awful and to be clear from violation in our personality that to think of all acts of the congress was rightful to our respect and obedient. And also to find out what person will be submitting to and we have found out the exact amount of our own right and that the wrong would be put them.

According to Walter Williams, "Moral people can't solely on the courts to establish what's right or wrong."
In the movie titled Miracle in cell no. 7, the character of a dad have a mental disorder that he wrongly accused and sentenced to death for the rape-murder of a girl. But her daughter tried her best to have a justice to his father, what if she don't know the law? And she will solve this case.

So, I agree because I've encounter this into my friend experience, he don't know if the court was doing the right. And I'm thinking that if my friend is saying the truth, but like of us we don't know what is right cause for me I believed her saying and to know her that she is my friend and I'm here for her. Sometimes their judge my friend even if they don't know what is true and people can't surely know if they in the court.

According to the article titled "Should we obey governments that are bad?" by Matt Slick he said, we obeying our governments but if they violate the rules that they declared will not be follow. And if our governments are declared that we should kill the Asians or people that have an illness, we should to disobey. Because it’s wrong to declare that, and some of the member in the congress are being corrupt. Matt asked that if the obedience of our law is demanded, it shall not be ask as a favor. The punishment making us to obey the command from them because they have an authority.
According to Matt Slick, "Obey your parents and do not murder."
I agree because we teach us to obey the elders, specially to them as our parents and respecting them. And if my parents sermon us because I'm do a bad things, I'm ignoring that. But some of us are not obeying the elders and they are resent their parents instead of saying them a thank you for all that they have done.

I conclude that if that kind of law will be implemented here in the Philippines, of course a lot of Filipino will be against. The Government is flawed for even suggesting this. Why have a civilization if society is no longer interested in being civilized? you cannot compare animal intrinsic to people. We are not primitive beings that need to hunt and the battle over who is the strongest. We are human beings, which means we require some emotional ties to people.

BLOGPOST #4 Obedience as the Conversation of Love

Have you ever encounter your crush or inspiration to talk him/her and have a conversation to know each other. For my experience, to have a conversation to them it feels me nervous so that I can't start to have a conversation because of my behavior. I don't know why I'm nervous and I go away and I always imagine that we are talking together and knowing ourselves and yet we have a conversation that feel me love and fall in love. To obey my feelings to him are so wonderful to have that and everyday we are in contact with the people to think and believing than us.

For this article titled "Obedience as the Conversation of Love" by Lectio Divina, he said that obedience to love for him is freedom because from his perspective that love is not easy, especially it gives us orders that we do not understand and it consider a limit from our freedom. Obedience from him is a way of our life and that freedom is not a contradictory because obedience is our own fruit of love. And also there's no love without conformitty. So, for example we have a conversation to your crushes are also having you a feeling to have a love on him/her cause you obeying your mind and heart to talk for your crush and to create the conversation. We must have a freedom to obey our own mind and to choose whatever we decided, if we follow or not at least it would be try.

According to Lectio Devina "To obey comes from the Latin, and means to listen, to hear each other."
I agree because if we don't have ears to listen to others for have a time to talked about what they want to say. We didn't create a conversation for us to have our own moment and to knowing them.Elders and parents that want to talk us for a reason, but how to hear them if we don't have a freedom to hear for us to know what they want to say. That's why we creating a conversation by listening to them cause we have ears and also to discover our love to one of them as a conversation.

And also, for the article titled "Having an attitude of obedience" by Joyce Meyer that she said, to obedient in the big things or it would be a little things, for day in and day out that no longer we can do on our own strength and but obedience was sometimes hard but we can do what ever we need to do and not only that. We also learn to do it with our smiles from our faces and if we have an a positive mind and the negative energy should be gone, if we believe in it to make it happen.

According to Joyce Meyer, "In ways you can't even begin to imagine."
I agree because to imagine that all things are possible to all the time that you have everyday it gives you a motivation to go forward and to start a new beginning for tomorrow, obedience brings to us peace in our on decision making. If we have firmly made up our minds to follow the command we will not have to decide which path to take when temptation comes our way.

For my conclusion, I'm understand that the conversation for our inspiration are giving us feeling to love and to fall even we knowing him one's. And good attitude in everyday life takes us positive every minute of time, and if our inspiration can learn a lot from the elders: obedience, loyalty, attitude, respect and importance of love are giving us happy for all girls.

And to giving us a reasons to love and to obeying our own mind and heart, we have a reason to prove that they want him as our love. So that our positive thinking give us luck for all boys that we are encounter and for the life we really want to live.